CANCER Complex pathology studies

An appropriate medical study is important to succeed

We offer the best strategies in terms of diagnosis, therapy, follow-up or prevention, in order to achieve the maximum quantity of life with quality.

Second opinion study

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Choosing the best path is important to succeed

First diagnosis study

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Many individuals have had symptoms for some time but have still not been diagnosed

Post-cancer follow-up study

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An appropriate follow-up completes the effort and allows total reintegration

Risk assessment study

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The security of knowledge is better than the false security of ignorance.

Estudi del teu cas (1a cita presencial)

Els estudis mèdics de Life Melior inclouen 2 visites i una anàlisi detallada de cada cas.

En la primera visita, d’1 hora de durada, amb exploració física exhaustiva, el pacient pot explicar amb calma el problema. I en la segona visita, de tancament, és on s’informa de quina és la millor estratègia a seguir, després d’una anàlisi minuciosa del cas amb revisió de totes les proves complementàries realitzades. El preu de l’estudi, que inclou les 2 visites, anàlisi del cas i definició de l’estratègia a seguir, és de €350.

Pel que fa als estudis presencials, es paga el 50% al demanar hora i la resta a la consulta.
Pel que fa als videoestudis el pagament es realitza integrament al demanar cita.

Fent la reserva de la teva visita confirmes acceptes els Termes i Condicions de reserva de cita de Life Melior i la Política de Privacitat


The Life Melior team is made up of several clinical professionals: internal medicine specialists, family doctors as well as pediatricians and geriatricians who love their profession and who do not tolerate lack of care with regards to patients’ illnesses

A team which as well as providing a group of medical specialists who are oustanding advisors at national, state and International levels in each and every pathology.

In addition to Life Melior’s medical teams we also provide clinical administrative teams that attend to the needs of patients, as well as management teams and other collaborating professionals.

All teams contribute to the mission of the program, which places the patients fundamentally in the center of the health care debate, as well as preventing them and their families who are distressed by complex diagnoses from feeling isolated by healthcare referrals in such delicate moments.

Born in Manlleu in 1967, he is the founder and leader of LIFE MELIOR. He studied medicine because he was interest in cancer research and pediatrics because he was captivated by clinical practice.
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President Founder

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Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.

Life Melior is a support program for those individuals and their families who are affected by cancer or any other devastating illness whose aim is to choose the best strategies for diagnosis, therapeutics, follow-up or prevention in order to achieve the maximum quantity as well as quality of life.

Strategies are not always the same between different levels of hospitals. Regional hospitals located outside the capital and high-level hospitals, usually located in metropolitan regions apply different strategies. Even in the case of high-level hospitals treatments can differ.

hey are clinical studies which are different from typical medical consultations both as regards primary and hospital care. Most visits carried out in both primary health centers and outpatients departments of hospitals are too brief and doctors do not have the time needed for patients to explain calmly and in detail the reason for their visit. At Life Melior each study includes an initial one-hour visit so that patients and/or their families can describe the most relevant details of the illness if there is already a diagnosis or of the symptoms if there is not. After this initial visit that includes an essential physical examination there begins a period of several days or weeks in which the Life Melior team analyses all the clinical data and completed complementary medical examinations provided by the patient in question so as to achieve the best possible diagnosis. It is during a second visit, which is included in the same study and which concludes it, that the patient and family are informed of the best course of action and how to achieve it.

Anyone who wishes to can make an appointment with Life Melior. In the case of minors this must be done by a legal guardian. There is no inconvenience in requesting a Life Melior study because in no way will it interfere with the diagnostic or therapeutic process already started through any other professional team or institution.

Not at all. Life Melior does not collaborate with insurance companies in order to have the maximum possible objectivity for the benefit of the patient. Patients who do not have private insurance can be referred to the best possible teams of professionals in order to obtain a second opinion which they have a right to access through the public health system An individual who has private insurance can take advantage of this to have any complementary examinations needed and can also be referred to the same medical team, through the insurance cover.

Quan ens referim a estratègies podríem estar parlant de processos.
El procés diagnòstic, en oncologia, sovint depèn del coneixement i especialització dels professionals que informen les proves de imatge o de medicina nuclear, de la destresa dels cirurgians que realitzen les biòpsies o han d’intervenir al pacient i, finalment, de l’expertesa dels patòlegs i biòlegs moleculars que finalment signen el diagnòstic

I el procés (o estratègia) terapèutica és la que assumeixen, també en oncologia, els Oncòlegs mèdics, els oncòlegs radioterapeutes i els cirurgians oncològics, entre altres. És evident que l’expertesa dels equips quirúrgics, per exemple, no és la mateixa en un hospital petit que disposa d’un equip de cirurgia general que en un d’alta complexitat on els equips quirírgics són específics per a cada una de les patologies a tractar, com pot ser colon, pàncres i vies biliars o patologies de cap i coll.

Les estratègies de seguiment serien les que tindrien com a primer objectiu assegurar el control de la malaltia però sense oblidar el control dels efectes secundaris causats per la pròpia malaltia o pels tractaments realitzats per a curar-la.

Hola, soy Rosa.

Estoy a tu disposición para resolver cualquier duda que tengas por hacerte miembro de Life Melior.

Cita previa

INSTITUT LIFE, S.L. (LIFE MELIOR), actúa como responsable del tratamiento de tus datos. La finalidad del uso de tus datos es la de gestionar tu reserva de cita y ofrecerte nuestros servicios. La legitimación para el tratamiento de tus datos proviene de la ejecución del contrato que nos une y del consentimiento expreso que otorgas, en su caso. Es importante recordarte que tu decisión es revocable y posees derechos como acceder, rectificar, suprimir, limitar u oponerte al tratamiento de tus datos. Para ejercerlos o para obtener más información, puedes dirigirte a o revisar nuestra Política de Privacidad.

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