Life Melior Intitute of General Medicine

Don't play with your health

With expert professionals trained in internal and family medicine where visits are given the time needed for the accurate assessment of patients without hurries or agglomerations, and with maximum punctuality and personalized attention

Prompt attention

Team of senior doctors specializing in internal, family and geriatric medicine with years of experience in comprehensive healthcare in general medicine for adolescents, adults and the elderly.

We offer visits with the time needed to guarantee the accurate assessment of each case so that patients are provided with a trusted medical team whenever necessary.

Exhaustive scheduling of visits to ensure patients and families do not have to wait in the health center and can also make appointments when necessary.

In Osona, Vic appointments available online. Make an appointment.

Visites matins i tardes, amb horaris que s’aniran ampliant progressivament, incloent franges per una atenció personalitzada a lactants, infants i sobretot per a pacients adolescents, perquè anar al pediatre sigui el més còmode possible per a tothom.

Make an appointment

Life Melior offers visits through its Institute of General Medicine, directed by Dr. Antonio Martinez-Zamora, specialist in internal and oncological medicine trained in the USA and current head of hospitalization at Sagrat Cor Hospital (Group Quiron) and emergency and intensive care doctor at Hospital Clinic in Barcelona.

Visits last 30 minutes in order to guarantee the adequate assessment of patients without the hurries caused by collapsed schedules and so ensuring maximum punctuality. They include specialized nursing support and free nationally established vaccinations.

The cost of visits is €75.

Do you need help?

Our team

Aware of lack of professionals and also the collapse of the healthcare system, in both the public and private sectors, we aim to provide all individuals with quality healthcare in general medicine for adults of all ages.

Coordinated by Dr. Andreu PARAREDA and directed by Dr. Antonio MARTINEZ-ZAMORA, head of hospitalization at Sagrat Cor Hospital and emergency and intensive care doctor at Hospital Clinic in Barcelona.

Personalized visits and attention

Actualment, la massificació del sistema sanitari a nivell públic com també a través de les mútues, condicionen que les visites es facin amb massa presses i que els pacients hagin d’esperar, tant per ser atesos a la pròpia consulta com per demanar hora quan la necessiten.

Per això proposem visites d’una durada mínima de 30 minuts. D’aquesta manera el metge té temps necessari per poder valorar adequadament al pacient, sense presses ni esperes.

Appointments adapted to working families

Ens preocupa la dificultat que hi ha per conciliar la vida professional i/o familiar amb poder anar al metge.

Per això, a l’Institut de medicina general de Life Melior proposem una atenció continuada, matins i tardes, amb horaris amplis per garantir la comoditat dels pacients i les seves famílies i alhora una valoració més personalitzada.

A point of reference in Central Catalonia

In Osona, headquarters of Life Melior Health Center, visits in Vic (Miramarges, 7, 1r. 4a) and appointments are available online.

Free parking 2 minutes' walk from the center

Free Life Melior parking places in the basement of the Bon Preu Esclat supermarket car park .

Hola, soy Rosa.

Estoy a tu disposición para resolver cualquier duda que tengas por hacerte miembro de Life Melior.

Cita previa

INSTITUT LIFE, S.L. (LIFE MELIOR), actúa como responsable del tratamiento de tus datos. La finalidad del uso de tus datos es la de gestionar tu reserva de cita y ofrecerte nuestros servicios. La legitimación para el tratamiento de tus datos proviene de la ejecución del contrato que nos une y del consentimiento expreso que otorgas, en su caso. Es importante recordarte que tu decisión es revocable y posees derechos como acceder, rectificar, suprimir, limitar u oponerte al tratamiento de tus datos. Para ejercerlos o para obtener más información, puedes dirigirte a o revisar nuestra Política de Privacidad.

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